crazy people are everywhere.
I might be one of them,
but I bet you are too.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

birthdays and hurricanes and emails to my grammy

Hi Grammy! How are you?
Just wanted to write and let you know that I have off on Sunday and my mom asked if I would want to go to your house to celebrate my birthday and I told her that I would like that very much, so I will be coming by on Sunday even though there will be a scary hurricane. There's a map you can look at online that shows all the areas that are threatened for flooding in New York City depending on the category of hurricane strength and your house falls in a spot that doesn't look like it will be threatened at all, no matter how bad the storm, so we can all be safe together, plus you guys have lots of canned food just in case. Michael will probably come too, even though he's a dummy sometimes I don't want to worry about him being swept up in any strong wind or rain but if he gets annoying we can always stick him outside. After confirming that I would like to come by on Sunday for birthday celebrations she then asked me if I would like a key lime pie to which I said no. I told her I wanted to request the really good moist layered chocolate cake that grammy makes with raspberry jam in between the layers and that I was scared to make a request because the last time grandpa did for his birthday bars it got denied and wasn't fulfilled for months. She told me I should call or email letting you know. So, hello grammy, this is a confirmation that I will be coming over on Sunday, even in a hurricane, if it's okay, and to request the chocolate cake with raspberry jam. Thanks very much! See you on Sunday! 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

dites moi

 January 26 at 1:13pm 
How are you feeling today? How were you feeling yesterday? What's the latest and greatest? Any current excitement over on your end?


January 26 at 1:31pm
Hi Drew
Sometimes I think of you. And I wonder the same things, ie. how you are. Today I am feeling like the world could be my oyster but since I do not like oysters I won't let myself have it and so off to work I will go in half an hours time and then I will be feeling unfulfilled as I fold overpriced clothes that were manufactured in a far off land I've never been to and watch as people unfold the what I've been paid to fix. Yesterday I was feeling hungover and could not get out of bed til about 4pm which made me feel a little depressed. Then I felt hungry and then I felt full because I went to dinner with an old friend. Then I came home and drew a picture of a house on my roomate's sling because she had a terrible accident with her thumb and it was hurting really bad and she needed cheering up and pain killers which she hadn't yet filled the prescription for and so cheering up was all I could provide. Then I watched the president talk on tv while some people stood and some people sat and some people clapped and some people looked like they have never and will never clap in their lives and if they had at some point then they've forgotten how because of all the terrible things they've seen. Then I tried to go to sleep but couldn't so I tried harder and then I did and then I woke up around 5:30 in the morning when my roomates left for work and then I couldn't sleep again so I made a phone call and then posted pictures I have neglected to share on this silly website and then I fell back to sleep and then my alarm went off and I started to get ready for work and then I saw that you had written me so I started to write you back and here I am. That's just yesterday and today thus far.
You should tell me a story about your life.
Hope everything is sunny and wonderful.
It's snowy here.
