Also depressed.
I'm too discontent to explain, I've been sitting here erasing everything I write it because I can't get the words out right and it's stressing me out.
No more writing.
bed. "Relaxing Time" tea. blankets. sleep.
But first, some pictures.
I was walking home from a terrible day of work. Stupidly sick and a little wobbly I got to the block where my house sits and began to notice all these things that were just awful. It seemed that every time I took another step forward I was faced with something else that only fueled my depression. I thought it a little coincidental and odd to find so many things wrong on one block so I took a few steps backwards and took pictures. Halfway through I saw my landlady, who in herself is an awful sight, and I had to stop because I didn't want to give her an excuse to talk to me. So, this isn't everything, but here are a few of the things I saw on my block today that really depress me...