Hi. I miss writing a far too long daily email to someone I love who lives in another country. I've replaced this daily action with many others, some of which are illegal, none of which involve substance abuse (aside from the occasional drink or two), so don't you worry your pretty little head one bit. Some other daily actions now include: posse forming, graffitiing, motorcycle riding, and working longer hours than a person of sane mind should (though I suppose I did this before too). In the process of doing said activities I've managed to get little to no sleep over the past three days, burn my leg badly on the exhaust pipe of a motorcycle, permanently change the way my body will look forever part 7 and convince 3 other people to do the same with a drawing I drew, and give the Lower East Side a little face lift, Audrey style, there are 7 of her from Spring to Delancy, see if you can find them all. It's hot as hell in Brooklyn, and I'm starting to boil in my windowless cave, time to put the burn and I to bed. I'm thinking the burn should maybe have a name, it looks like a separate entity from my body because my not-so-terrible to look at legs now sport a big red blister which clings to the side of my right calf. I'll call it Gustav. Goodnight Gustav. Goodnight noisy neighbors. Goodnight discarded blankets.