I've had a week.
Have you?
In this week I got le sick, then I got le better again. I worked really hard and should have a massive paycheck come Thursday for the ridiculous amount of overtime I put in. My brain feels like mush. Friday night I went to a coworker's art show and stood in the middle of a black carpet wearing my favorite red coat surrounded by the oddest black and white drawings you could ever imagine. for example:
fecal face wrote about him, check it here http://www.fecalface.com/SF/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1811&Itemid=88
I drank entirely too much, more than I ever do, and Michael practically had to carry me back to his place, that's how stupid I was, not cute. Saturday we slept late then I had to work 4pm-1am which sucked ass but Michael met up with me after and I stayed over Saturday night too. Sunday we slept late part deux then made brownies and went to his friend's post holiday brunch party which was in the cutest little apartment in Bedstuy. The boys were wearing bow ties and suspenders, the girls were in dresses, everyone was beautiful and older than me but I felt okay, I felt like they were the kind of people I'd like to be around, excpet the statuesque girl he dated once, she made me feel weird. I was going to go home after but drank far too much once again and ordinarily I'd be mad at myself but I think it's necessary to drink lots when you're thrown into a party consisting solely of the boy who wants to be your boyfriend's closest friends and you don't know a single soul and the hosts are professional bartenders and they've compiled the most appealing drink menu you've ever seen and it's all free, then drink drink drink I say and that's exactly what I did... I was smashed. So for three nights in a row Michael woke up with a weirdo in his bed which I'm happy to say made both of us happy and I'm starting to feel more comfortable with the direction things are going in, that is, away from Berlin and towards Brooklyn. A breakup is imminent yet terrifying. January 6th was the last time I heard from Berlin, he ended an email saying we'd talk soon and that he loves me but I haven't heard from him since, I need it to be over, I finally feel okay saying that, it's huge. 2 years, for 2 years I gave that boy all I had, I think I might be ready to take it all back, he doesn't deserve cross continental visits and expensive plane tickets, he doesn't deserve my heart.
Michael and I went to work together today, then I came back home for the first time in three days to the crazy mother and a house that has 7 cats again. This is because the craziest of the crazies scooped another one off the street yesterday but this one bit her badly so her hand is all messed up and the wild thing is locked in a cage but she's working on taming it so she can have it adopted. I wonder if anyone else comes home to post-its attached to their computer that read, "Em- Don't handle the kitten or open its cage!!!" There must be someone else out there.
It's only 7:30 but I am going to bed. I have to be at work at 5am tomorrow morning because this week is inventory. Wednesday I have to be in at 3:45am. I hate my job, seriously. Let's run away together. To some place warm. Wouldn't that be lovely? Lovely lovely....