crazy people are everywhere.
I might be one of them,
but I bet you are too.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jamaicin' me crazy

He left for Jamaica this morning. He won't be back for a week. I see him every single day, he's my best friend, I have abandonment issues and I have to do without him for 7 days, I feel even worse than I thought I would. I feel a lot of things. I came home after 3 days and 2 nights of clinging to someone who makes me crazy and confused and happy and sad, I took a look in the mirror and found to my chagrin that some wrinkles have taken up residence between my eyebrows. 23 years of making strange faces and feeling too many things at once is catching up with me but aren't I a little young to be getting wrinkles? I feel old and lonely. I feel cold and cranky. I feel lost and isolated.
Friday night we took photobooth pictures because we're losers and he wanted to have something to take with him but he left almost all of them with me. I've been trying not to look at them too much but I can't help it. I miss him.