Michael comes back from Jamaica tonight. I'm nervous. I think things have changed. For one thing I've talked to Chris almost every day since Michael left and it sounds like he really might move here. This is something Michael should know but might make him hate me, and then what if Chris doesn't end up coming here after all and I threw away things with Michael for nothing. Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut for a while.
Also, since he left I've been getting hit on like crazy. I forgot what it's like to walk around sans a 32 year old 6 foot tall man and I can't say I hate the attention, boys say really stupid shit sometimes and it's hilarious. For example:
Tuesday, waiting for the train home
Train Creep: "You're gorgeous sweetheart."
Me: "Thanks."
Train Creep: "You got a boyfriend?"
Me: "Uh yea..."
Train Creep: "Want another one?"
Me: "Um no..."
Train Creep: "You think I could get your number?"
Me: "I'm sorry..."
Train Creep: "No? Alright."
Thursday, 2 boys in leather jackets standing on the corner
Leather Jacket #1: "That is a red coat."
Me: "Yes, it is."
Leather Jacket #1: "I like your coat."
Me: "Thank you."
Leather Jacket #2: "I like your face."
I laughed and walked away.
Saturday, waiting for my pizza
Strange man: "You have wicked eyebrows! God Bless!"
That strange man wasn't the first strange man to compliment my eyebrows, a cab driver did it once and then asked me if I'd marry him, I declined, but there's something really great about eyebrow compliments from men, like how is that something they even notice? I'm glad they do though because my eyebrows are pretty "wicked" if I do say so myself.