[2/7/10 7:06:41 PM]
emma leigh: lets not talk about football anymore
emma leigh: im going to pretend the superbowl is actually a celebration of a gigantic bowl
emma leigh: which you could fill with gigantic fruit
cb: uh....
cb: yeah
cb: that sounds good
emma leigh: and everyone could go to this gigantic bowl
emma leigh: and eat some of the gigantic fruit
emma leigh: and it would be super
cb: i want it to be a super bowl of coco krispies
emma leigh: oooh yea
cb: but there is no reason why there cant be two super bowls right next to each other
cb: one fruit filled
cb: and one filled with choco goodness
emma leigh: maybe there could be a whole bunch of super bowls
cb: sure
emma leigh: each one filled with something super
cb: super glue?
emma leigh: eh no
cb: thats super
emma leigh: birds might mistake it for water
emma leigh: and get stuck
cb: no
cb: it smells too bad
emma leigh: i think that would just be an accident waiting to happen
emma leigh: because these bowls that im picturing, they're huge
cb: im gonna have me a super bowl of soup
cb: ha ha ha we're stupid
emma leigh: pho!!!
cb: yeah
cb: that would be super
cb: ok ok
cb: stop
emma leigh: okay
emma leigh: im hungry now