crazy people are everywhere.
I might be one of them,
but I bet you are too.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

no pushin'

Oh hello. I just spent the past 4 hours sleeping in the middle of the day, it felt delicious. One of the perks to not having any windows in your bedroom is being able to sleep with ease whenever you want, no matter the time. That's just about the only perk I can think of.
Last night I went to my first major league baseball game.  Though I looked utterly out of place and couldn't relate to any of the thousands of people decked in orange and blue surrounding me, I had more fun than I thought I would. This might only be because I was a little drunk, also I found spicy veggie dogs, also I heard a grown man shout, "NO PUSHIN', NO SHOVIN', I GOT PLENTY A HOTDAWGS!," also I had field seats, which means I was very close to the action, also The Mets won 4-0, which apparently never happens.
Nilea is stuck in Paris.
I'm writing a children's book.
I'm worried about Jenny.
I'm longing for a different time.