crazy people are everywhere.
I might be one of them,
but I bet you are too.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

winter weirdness

Things are getting weird.
I feel wobbly when I walk, last week I tripped up the stairs in the middle of a subway station and killed my knee.
I got a holiday bonus and spent all of it the very next day. I now own 3 red coats. Excessive? Fuck you.
I'm hardly ever home anymore and this morning I did something I really should not have, that boy seduced me and I feel quite a bit like shit. How did I let this happen?
I modeled for my boss Wednesday night and drank lots of "Sweet Bitch" wine, look for it in your local Crown Heights liquor store.

Thursday night I saw the most pathetic excuse for an art show. Listen up all you so called "artists" out there, it's not okay to paint a canvas green, throw some sticks and string on it, and call it a work of art, bad art makes me fucking crazy so stop making it.
There were lots of people dressed as santa walking around lower Manhattan and drinking in public yesterday, a girl dressed as an ornament gave me a KitKat bar.
I ate lots of feelings today.

CAUTION: after eating a chocolate popsicle you may turn different colors.

I'm scared to finish "The Elegance of the Hedgehog", it's been sitting unfinished on my desk for the past month, I refuse to finish or to start another book, some things should last forever, this book is one of them, go read it but don't tell me how it ends.
I haven't bought a single Christmas present.
Laundry is getting out of control.
I told 3 different people I'd do 3 different things this Saturday, I want to do all of them but it's impossible, clone me please.
One of these days I'm going to fill a subway car with paper snow flakes, it's an idea I've had for a while and it's going to happen.
Say no to flu shots.
Say yes to belgium waffles and milk shakes and sweet potato fries.
I love you a bushel and a peck.