crazy people are everywhere.
I might be one of them,
but I bet you are too.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mexico por favor.

Today was an extremely frustrating day off.
For one thing, it hasn't stopped raining since I woke up.
Also, I spent my morning reading articles and watching videos on about the oil spill. Anderson Cooper looks pissed, as he should be.
I brushed my teeth and got toothpaste all over my shirt. Once in toothpasteless clothes I attempted to get out of the house which took roughly 3 tries.
Attempt 1:
I am outside, it's raining, I have an umbrella but I'm thinking I need a coat. I'm back inside, I'm in my windowless room, I turn the lights on.
Where the devil is my army coat???
I pull up the bed covers, throw coats off my desk chair, rifle through hangers and settle for an odd purple coat I never wear because it's sort of ugly, it reminds me of Barney, I feel very silly, I leave, I shut the door behind me....
Attempt 2:
Where have my keys gone?
I open the door, I'm back inside, I check the couch, the kitchen counter, I look on top of my desk and on my messy bed, I spot them poking through the heap of coats recently thrown on bed, I leave again and lock the door behind...
Attempt 3:
I should call Michael. What the? Where is my phone????
I unlock the door, I throw my keys and umbrella down, I'm inside again, I turn every light in the apartment on, I check every room, I stomp back and forth like a crazy purple coat wearing lady, I check all the same places 3 times and reach under the heap of previously mentioned coats, I feel it, grab it, and run back into the rain disgruntled and late. I call Michael. I meet him for a bagel and tea.
I get to Pearl Paint before they close.
I have to buy my art supplies for Saturday's class, I have a huge list and a hard time finding things, I enlist the help of 3 people who work there, Francine for brushes, missing tooth man for a wooden pallet, and the twitchy lisper for paints and turpentine. I take it all to the register, there is missing tooth man, he rings me up, he says, "Are you from Greece? You look Greek." and "Can I see your ID?" and "Whoa you had long hair. When did you cut it? Why did you cut it?"
I leave with a giant canvas and $200 worth of supplies. I cart all of it home in the pouring rain. I unlock my door, I turn the lights on,  I take out my receipt and examine my expensive new supplies only to find that missing tooth man who thinks I look Greek and seems to be just as upset about my hair as I am has left out approximately 5 very important items from my bag.
I go into my windowless room, I turn my laptop on, I start looking at cruises to Mexico.